A serious injury can easily derail a person’s life. We know how to fight for our clients and win. Our goal is to secure the compensation you need to help rebuild your life.
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Automobile Accident $1,000,000

DI was stopped at a traffic light when her car was rear-ended, resulting in neck and back injuries. The minimal property damage to her car and lack of significant injury reported at the scene of the accident belied the serious injury she had suffered. DI began extensive chiropractic care, physical therapy and pain management therapy. Although she followed her doctors’ advice and worked hard to rehabilitate, she was told she would need spinal surgery at some point in her life to repair a herniated disk.

Instead of evaluating her claim fairly, the insurance company offered her $15,000 at mediation, conducted surveillance on her, hired insurance industry doctors to give negative opinions about her and forced her case to trial. At that point, Barnes Trail Group was associated to the case by DI’s attorney to conduct the trial.

Through extensive meetings with she and her husband, it became apparent that DI was profoundly and permanently changed by this accident. After a week-long trial, a Pasco County jury determined she was indeed permanently injured, would require ongoing medical care and compensated her nearly $1,000,000 for her injuries and suffering.

Through effective use of a pretrial procedure called a proposal for settlement, Mr. Barnes convinced the court to sanction the insurance company over $200,000 of attorney fees and costs, resulting in an even greater recovery to DI.